Advanced Text Editors

Consider adding Interactive Development Environments (IDEs).

There are significant efficiency gains to be had when using a tool that supports note-taking, running scripts, and editing code all within a sinele interface.

- VSCode (

VSCode is very close to being a fully functional IDE.

sudo snap install --classic code

Following installation, immediately review all settings and disable telemetry. You can accomplish this by selecting

"File" > "Preferences! ยป "Settings' or "Code" > "Preferences" > "Settings". Using the search box, submit a query for "telemetry" and uncheck "Telemetry: Enable Telemetry setting". Now search for "@tag:usesOnlineServices" and review the settings which make calls to online services such as those querying for extension updates. Disabling these will reduce your exposure to Microsoft but may limit some functionality. such as automatic updates and notifications.

The following extensions for note-taking and basic work with HTML and other common web filetypes:

  • HTML Preview (

  • Default Browser ( 90/vscode-open-in-default-browser.git)

  • PowerShell (

  • Python (

  • Prettier Code (

  • Markdown PDF (

- VSCodium (

VSCodium is an open-source clone built from the VSCode source. It removes the Microsoft data collection in exchange for a slightly more complicated configuration process.

sudo snap install codium -classic

Last updated