Automated Scanners
- Nesus
- Burp Suite Pro Website Scanner
- Burp Suite Pro Automatic Crawling
Target --> Site map --> Right-click --> Spider this host
This can be done manually, Target --> Site map and then browse recursively to detect identified resources that have not yet been visited (they are grayed out).
Special attention to Client-side objects (java applets, flash, silverlight, ...), functionalities implemented in Javascript and functionalities with captchas or other mechanisms that prevent automation.
Interesting Addons to complement scans (other more specific, are described in specific sections):
Backslash Powered Scanner:
Error Message Checks:
- Burp Suite Pro API Audit with Swagger
If we have the swagger.json we can run active API scan loading all those API parameters, if we have access to the swagger but don't have the .json, to extract it:
Use your browser's Developer Tools to manually extract the data from the Swagger UI.
Open the Swagger UI in your Browser.
Open Developer Tools (F12 or Ctrl+Shift+I).
Go to the Console Tab.
Run the Following JavaScript Snippet:
const swaggerSpec = window.ui.specSelectors.specJson().toJS();
console.log(JSON.stringify(swaggerSpec, null, 2));
This works if the Swagger UI is built with the Swagger-UI library.
Copy the output JSON and save it as swagger.json.
Now run the API automated audit
- Sumrecon
- Crawleet
python -u <URL> -b -d 3 -e jpg,png,css -f -m -s -x php,txt -y --threads 20
- autorecon
- nuclei
nuclei -u
nuclie -l list-of-hosts.txt
For a previouslly obtained list of parameters with gau or katana:
nuclei -list params.txt -c 70 -rl 200 -fhr -lfa -o nuclei-results.txt -es info
To fuzz for query parameters:
git clone
katana -f qurl > fuzz_endpoints.txt
paramspider -d --subs >> fuzz_endpoints.txt
nuclei -t fuzzing-templates -list fuzz_endpoints.txt
To obatain HTTP Exposures and missconfigurations:
nuclei -nh --list subdomains_alive.txt -t http/exposures/configs -json-export output.json -markdown-export nuclei_report/
nuclei -nh --list subdomains_alive.txt -t http -json-export nuclei-output.json -markdown-export nuclei_report/
To hunt for LFI:
cat urls-params.txt | gf lfi >> urls-lfi.txt
nuclei -l urls-lfi.txt -tags lfi
nuclei -t '' -tags lfi
- reconftw
Last updated