Social Media
Advanced searches
This allows you to filter by profiles, companies, schools, groups, jobs, events, etc.
Remember to reverse image search on the photo associated with the target's profile.
Google searches may be useful too: "Account Executive at Uber” john smith microsoft
The following URL queries Google for any images:
The following URL replicates our image search, but focuses only on videos:
LinkedIn hides the dates and times behind generic announcements such as "posted 2 weeks ago".
To get something more specific, inside the post, click the three dots in the upper-right which presents a new menu. Then click "Copy link to comment".
Loading that URL in the browser presented the same comment, but it was technically a unique page from the original post which generated this response.
Right-click on the page, "View Page Source", searched through this code for the message you want to locate the time stamp.
The numbers represent Unix time, use to convert this number to GMT time.
PDF Generation
In the target profile select "Generare PDF Profile View" to quick download user's information.
Viewing profiles without an account
Visit Google's Mobile Friendly Test (
Enter any LinkedIn URL.
The preview only displays a portion of the LinkedIn profile. Instead, consider the following.
Click on the "HTML" tab above the profile on the test page.
Click the "Copy" icon above the source code.
Navigate to CodeBeautify ( and paste the HTML code.
Click "Run" and view the entire LinkedIn profile without requiring an account.
IntelTechniques LinkedIn Tool
Simplify advanced LinkedIn searches.
Code in LinkedIn.html.
Other Tools
- Crosslinked:
git clone
cd crosslinked
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
crosslinked -h <name format> <company>
chmod 755
Examples: -f '{first}.{last}'' tesla -f '{first}.{last}@breitbart' breitbart -o breitbart.txt
- linkedin2username (
Will try to extract all names of a company and create username assumptions if desired.
Media & Data Extraction Tools
Logging into an account will download better resolution images and get better results, instagram usually blocks suspicious activity.
- Instalooter
To install:
mkdir ~/Downloads/Programs/Instalooter
cd ~/Downloads/Programs/Instalooter
python3 -m venv instalooterEnvironment
source instalooterEnvironment/bin/activate
sudo pip install instalooter
To download images from an account:
instalooter user mikeb
To log in to an account to see restricted content (private accounts):
instalooter login -u {username} -p {password} user mikeb
- Instaloader
To install:
mkdir ~/Downloads/Programs/Instaloader
cd ~/Downloads/Programs/Instaloader
python3 -m venv instaloaderEnvironment
source instaloaderEnvironment/bin/activate
sudo pip install instaloader
To download images from an account:
instaloader user mikeb
To log in to an account to see restricted content (private accounts):
instaloader --login {username} -p {password} user mikeb
- Toutatis
To install:
mkdir ~/Downloads/Programs/Toutatis
cd ~/Downloads/Programs/Toutatis
python3 -m venv toutatisEnvironment
source toutatisEnvironment/bin/activate
sudo pip install toutatis
To get account details, full email addresses and partial telephone numbers, before running the tool:
Log in to an Instagram account from your Firefox browser.
Right-click an empty area of the page and choose "Inspect".
Click the "Network" tab in the new menu at the bottom.
Navigate to any user's Instagram page.
In the Inspector menu, click on an entry similar to "200 GET".
Click the "Cookies" tab in the Inspector menu to the right.
Scroll down this list and find "sessionid:"
Copy the alphanumeric entry.
Then run the following command specifying the session ID:
toutatis -u mikeb -s 24316:Lh59ygrmY4N:4
- Osintgram
To install:
cd ~/Downloads/Programs
git clone
cd Osintgram
python3 -m venv OsintgramEnvironment
source OsintgramEnvironment/bin/activate
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
make setup
sed -i 's/followinfnumbers/followingnumbers/g' ~/Documents/scripts/
sudo apt install libncurses5-dev libffi-dev -y
Interesting commands:
python3 -c photos mikeb
python3 -c stories mikeb
python3 -c comments mikeb
python3 -c captions mikeb
python3 -c followers mikeb
python3 -c fwersemail mikeb
python3 -c fwersnumber mikeb
python3 -c followings mikeb
python3 -c fwingsemail mikeb
python3 -c fwingsnumber mikeb
python3 -c info mikeb
*If you received any "challenge errors, that means Instagram has found your activity to be suspicious. You would need to log in to your Instagram account and confirm the activity as non malicious. If you execute the Instagram custom tools and receive no results, it may be because of this.
- Custom script
To make a desktop shortcut of this script:
Instagram searches through Google Dorks
It has benefits searching away from the Instagram website.
Instagram posts that mention "OSINT": "OSINT"
To search people and/or terms: darren kitchen hak5 darren hak5 "hak5darren”
To find other people mentioning the target. "@hak5darren"
Manual approach for downloading images
- Profile Image
Profile image is in lower-resolution.
To locate these low-resolution images and identify the full high-resolution, right-click anywhere else on the profile, click "View Page Source" and search for "ogrimage".
The extremely long URL within this line should appear similar to the following.
In the previous URL, notice the number directly before "jpg". The last set of numbers is "1916767107". Back in the page of source code for the profile, conduct a search for these numbers. You should receive three results, the third is a URL similar to the following:
https:\/\/scontent-ord5-2.cdninstagram.com½v\t51.2885-15\13534173_1620017484977625_1916767107 _a.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_s200×200&_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8a9d6&_nc_oh=y-uchsMyXNsAX_5vN hi&
Replace every instant of "\/" within the URL with "/", it loads fine.
This is not the full-size image, but it possesses a higher resolution.
- Posts Images
Right-click on the post image and select "View Page Source”.
Conduct a search within this text for "jpg. The third URL which contains "jpg" within it, which also includes
"OG:Image" before it, should appear similar to the following:×6408amp;_nc_cat=105&ceb=1-7&_nc_sid=8ae)d6&_nc_ohc=bToTyKGo058AX_tI8Q-&_nc_oc=AQmy71YJjzxne3IeDZkOi-I]8Hb)tpU-NnInXRCJVLPpJEumH2gOiC]0pmIz7h0gM8U&
If we replace every instant of "&" within the URL with "&"; it loads fine.
This image might be higher resolution.
Then to get the "HID" version of the image. The second to last (usually fifth) jpg file within this source code appeared as follows:
https:\/\/\/wV+51.2885-19\/44884218_345707102882519_2446069589734326272 _n.jpg?efg=eylybWQiOipZ19hbmRyb2IkX21vYmIsZVOuZXR363J+X3N0YWNrX3Rp729uX21u c19oaWdoX3NhbXBsZV9yYXRIX3FwbF8zOmNvbnRyb2wifQ|\\u0026_nc_cat=1\\u0026_nc_ohc=tHpVc ZIbIAX8«Awill\4002Gedm=ABsR1pMBAAAA\|u0026ccb=7-5\\u0026ig_cache_key=YW5vbnItb3VzX3Bvb2ZpbGVfcGI:.2-ccb7-5\\40026oh=00_AfB90TA b2DABOx_fOhiGIpXLH2gsRCSav]nb_w7mpDAKGA\|u0026oe=6374F04F\|u0026_nc_sid=3f45ac\
Replace every instant of "\/" within the URL with "/". Also replace everv instant of "u0026" within the URL with "&”, it should load.
Third-party services that replicate this:
Metadata Details
- profile_id
Consider digging into the source code of your evidence in order to identify further details that could be valuable. First, I like to identify the user number of an account.
People can change their username on Instagram, but not their user number. Right-click on your target profile page and select the option to view the source code and "Crtl" +
"F” and search for "profile_id".
If the results doesn’t match, copy all of the source code and paste it into a text editor, then search there.
If you know that your target's user ID, but you can no longer access the profile based on the username, we can query the Instagram API to get the new details.
First spoof your user-agent, use “User Agent Switcher”, drop-down menu to "Android"; change the first dropdown menu to "Instagram"; "Apply; and navigate to the following page:
If the target had changed his username, we would see it here.
- Timestamps
Let's tackle exact timestamps. Instagram might tell you a photo was posted 67 weeks ago, and hovering over that notification should tell you the exact date, but it never tells you the time of the post. This detail can be crucial to a legal investigation.
Right-click the profile and select the "Inspect", Click on the "Network" tab and reload the page. Click the small magnifying glass to conduct a search (not the filter URL option). Search for
"taken". The number following "taken", is a Unix timestamp. Convert this with the following website:
- Followers & Following
Navigating to the target profile, you will be able to simply click on "Followers" or "Following", scroll down the entire list to load all of the accounts, "Crtl" + "A", right-click and choose "Copy selected links”. Open Excel and paste the results.
- Likes
The heart is a summary such as "557 Likes" Clicking on this opens a new window, which identifies each account that liked the post.
Similar to the previous method of capturing friends and followers of a target, "Crtl" + "A" and "Crtl" + "C”.
- Comments
If you locate a comment which is valuable to your investigation, you may want to document the date and time of the post. This is not available within the standard view.
For example, inside the comments includes a response of "now I gotta go buy some beer".
right-click and choose "Inspect” and search for the terms (now I gotta go buy some beer), you can now see the exact time and date.
- Complete Post Analysis
Once located your suspect and found an incriminating post, this is a high-priotity investigation, and extensive manual documentation is justified.
First attack the account with Instaloader, Instalooter, and Osintgram. Then perform the following steps:
View the source code of
Copy all jpg URLs and apply modifications as previously explained.
Paste the modified URLs into a browser and download the full version of the images.
Return to
Scroll through the comments, and expand any, if necessary, by clicking "+"
Click the summary of likes below the heart icon.
Scroll until all are loaded, select all with "Ctrl" + "A" or "command" + "A" on keyboard.
Open a new spreadsheet through Microsoft Office or LibreOffice and paste the results.
Rename this tab "BK1KWEthQkb" and open a new tab.
Repeat the process with any other posts of interest.
Video Download
While viewing any Instagram video page, launch the "Inspector", click the "Network" tab and play the video. If the video was already playing, reload the page. Type "mp4" within the search field.
This should eliminate all of the data and leave you with one URL. Right-click this URL and select "Open in New Tab".
The new tab within your browser should present the same video in full-size resolution. You can now right-dick on the video and select the option to save it.
Twitter Instagram Search
Many people who post to Instagram broadcast the links on Twitter.
For example, to identify posts on Twitter ( which mention "hack5darren", and possess an Instagram image URL: "hak5darren" ""
Instagram Stories Tools
- InstaFollowers ( download-instagram-stories)
- StoriesDown (
Other third-party tools
The best is not relying on these on daily investigations.
- Downloader for Instagram (
- Dumpor (
Can be used without the need of an account.
- Toolzu (
Relies on the Instagram API, so you will not find any content which is not already public. However, the layout and analysis of profile data is unique.
- Code of a Ninja (
- ImgInn (
IntelTechniques Instagram Tool
This can not replicate the source code techniques, but may save time with username and keyword searching.
Code in Instagram.html.
Data Extraction Tools
- Twint:
git clone
cd twint
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
To dump following:
twint -u mattgaetz --following -o gaetzfollowing --csv
To dump followers:
twint -u mattgaetz --followers -o gaetzfollowers --csv
To search for words in tweets:
twint -u mattgaetz -s trump
To scrape all tweets and put them in a database:
twint -u mattgaetz --database mattgaetzDB
With sqlite browser open, go to File--> Open and select the mattgaetzDB file.
Here we can create SQL queries to search this data. Let's search for every tweet where Mr. Gaetz mentions his friend 'trump".
Official Twitter Search Option
- Twitter Advanced Search (
- Search by Email Address
Twitter does not allow the search of a username by providing an email address.
To bypass this limitation, you can use a feature offered within the mobile app version of Twitter.
Within Android, open the Contacts application and add the email address of your target within a new contact and save the entry. Open the Twitter app, navigate to the left menu and select "Settings and privacy", click on "Privacy and safety", then Discoverability and contacts™. You can then manage your data and allow Twitter to sync your Android contacts to their service.
You should see a pending notification which states "Find your friends on Twitter. Clicking this should present the "Suggested Followers”, do not choose that option. If you do, your target will be sent a notification from your account.
- Twitter Search Operators
to:IntelTechniques from:protonprivacy
from:IntelTechniques filter:replies
from:IntelTechniques -filter:replies
- Media, Likes, Lists, Moments, Topics, Links, and Followers
Media embedded:
Twitter Lists:
To see if is in someone else list:
Once you identify a Twitter List of interest, clicking that List will open something like this:
1588523704245489664 is the List number.
To see members of the List and and the followers of the List:
Twitter Moments:
Twitter Topics:
Tweets from a user which include a link to additional media: from:IntelTechniques filter:links
Popular posts: from:IntelTechniques min_faves: 150
from:IntelTechniques min_ replies: 100
To see Followers and Following: following
We can combine and include a few searches:
to:Intel Techniques from:protonprivacy since:2018-03-01 until:2018-03-31 filter:links filterreplies
- Search by Location
Tweets known to have been posted from within one kilometer of the GPS coordinates of 43.430242,-89.736459:
This can be changed to 5, 10, or 25 reliably.
To view this search from the address bar of the browser, the following page would load the same results.,-89.736459,1km
We can add seatch parameters to either of these searches if the results are overwhelming:
geocode:43.430242,-89.736459,1km "fight"
- Mandatory and Optional Search Terms
"mandatory". Additional optional words could be added with the term "OR". Example:
"Michael Parker" kill OR stab OR fight
- Date Range Search
since:2015-01-01 until:2015-01-05 "bomb threat"
We can combine it with the "to" operator or a name search (or both).
from:humanhacker since:2012-01-01 until:2012-12-31
- Deleted, Suspended, and Missing Tweets
If a user has recently deleted some or all of their messages, we can conduct a cache search of their profile.
Using Google may be enough (“Twitter {user}”), but if the target deleted the content weeks or months before, replicate it in Bing and Yandex.
To force Google to present direct links to actual posts:
While our target removed his content from his profile, he did not remove his history, then, we should check options in “Media, Likes, Lists, Moments, Topics, Links, and Followers” section.
- Twitter Post Details
Check tweets of interest, If there is an image embedded, to see the original full-size version, right-click the image and choose "View image", This will load a new URL such as the following.]t_t?format=jpg&name=small
After removing "&name=small" from the URL, the full image is available.
To see the time posted, right-click on the Tweet and choose "View Source", "Ctrl" + "F" and search for "time _zone".
- Tweet Deck (
Tweet Deck is owned by Twitter.
Click the plus (+) option, then “Search”.
List of search examples and how ther may benefit the investigator:
"Victim Name": A homicide investigator can monitor people mentioning a homicide victim.
"School Name": A school can monitor anyone mentioning the school for suspicious activity.
"Subject Name": An investigator can monitor a missing person's name for relevant information.
"Event": Officials can monitor anyone discussing a special event such as a festival or concert.
The "User" option will allow you to enter a Twitter username and monitor all incoming and outgoing public messages associated with the user.
You can also use the Geo search mentioned earlier.
Example of use:
First, creat a search column with
Next, create a column of "to:myclient kill OR die OR shoot OR death".
If you identify a suspect, then create another column of "from:suspect to:myclient".
Add one final Tweet Deck column of
"from:suspect to:myclient kill OR die OR shoot OR death" and add an alert.
Third Party Resources
Use a junk Twitter account when this is required.
- All My Tweets (
Provides a clean display of all of a user's Twitter posts.
"Ctrl" + "F", search terms.
This also prevents you from constantly loading more Tweets at the end of every page.
- TweetBeaver (
One of the best tools.
Convert Name to ID: This can be vital for investigations. Users can always change their username at any time, but the user number cannot be modified.
Convert ID to Name: Opposite of the above technique.
Check if two accounts follow each other
Download a user's favorites: we can choose to either display the results on the screen or download them as a CSV spreadsheet.
Search within a user's favorites
Download a user's timeline: The most useful, provide a target name and it will extract the most recent 3,200 posts, it will include the date and time of each post and the direct URL to the message. When I have a Twitter target of interest, I fun this tool on the account daily.
Search within a user's timeline
Get a user's account data: The benefit is obtaining quick data.
Bulk lookup user account data
Download a user's friends list
Download a user's followers list
Find common followers of two accounts
Find common friends of two accounts
Find conversations between two users
Find accounts in a user's followers and friends list
Find accounts followed by one user that also follow another named user: Assume you wanted to find any profiles which are followed by jms_dot_py, which also follow IntelTechniques.
Get the first 25 users to follow an account: learn of the first 25 people who began monitoring the profile.
Get the first 25 accounts followed by a user
Bulk Account Data Example: can accept up to 15,000 Twitter usernames. If I had hundteds or thousands of Twitter usernames, this would allow me to sort by location or popularity. I could also sort by creation date in order to identify newly created accounts.
- Followerwonk (
Offers options unavailable through TweetBeaver. The second tab at the top of the page, titled
"Compare Users", will allow you a thorough search.
The previous example identified people whom our targets followed. This will often include celebrities. However, the people who follow your targets are more likely to be real people, so criteria can be changed to "Compare their followers" in the drop-down menu next to the search button.
It also has other search capabilities for user analysis.
The first tab at the top of the screen will search any term or terms to identify any Twitter bios that contain those words.
We can also use "Twitter Bios Only" option or switch to "Search Twitter Profiles. The "More Options" under the main search box will display numerous fields including Location, Name, and Follower details.
The third tab, titled "Analyze", allows you to analyze the people the user follows or the people who follow that user. This will display numerous pie charts and graphs about the user. The most useful is the map that identifies the approximate location of the people connected to the person's Twitter account.
The location data is very vague, should only be used to identify the general area.
- Social Bearing (
It relies on the Twitter API, so it will only analyze the most recent 3,200 Tweets.
Total audience reach: This tells me whether the target has true followers or "fakes".
Total impressions: This tells me an accurate size of the target's audience.
Total ReTweets: This discloses if the target's audience engages with the content.
Total audience favorites: This confirms engagement from the target's audience.
Tweet sentiment: This indicates positive or negative tone within comments.
Tweet types: This identifies new content versus ReTweets of others.
Tweet sources: This discloses the source of submission, such as mobile, desktop, or API.
Domains shared: This summarizes the web links posted within Tweets.
Word cloud: This provides a summary of the most common words posted.
The graphical output of this resource is impressive, but the CSV export is more useful. Additionally, we can query an account directly via static URL:
- Twitter Biography Changes (
- Twitonomy (
The most complete analytics service for a single Twitter handle.
- Omnisci ( demos/ tweetmap)
Massive database platform developed through collaboration between MIT and Harvard.
This website can search by topic, username, or location. It can also combine all three options to conduct a detailed search.
- One Million Tweet Map (
Displays the most recent one million Tweets on an international map.
Monitoring a large event can provide Live intelligence in an easily viewed format.
- Tweet Mapper (
Occasional results, but Social Bearing is better
Fake Followers
Two websites that will assist in distinguishing the authentic profiles from the fraudulent.
- SparkToro (
Query further users at the following static URL:
https:/ /
- Twitter Audit (
Miscellaneous Twitter Sites
- Sleeping Time (
Search of an exact Twitter profile name, and provides the average time period that this user sleeps.
- Twiangulate (
Identifies mutual friends on two specific accounts.
- Tinfoleak (
Provides a simple yet thorough report.
- FollerMe (
Similar to the previous options. Presents the typical bio, statistics, topics, hashtags, and mentions analysis that you can find other places. FollerMe provides a bit more detail including posting patterns per hour.
- TweetTopic (
It collects the most recent 3,200 Tweets and creates a word cloud. This identifies the most common words used within posts by the target.
Clicking on any word within the result displays only the Tweets that include the selected term.
Clicking on any of the text circles would immediately identify posts related to those terms.
- (
Web service that provides historical information about social media accounts.
Most of this data has been scraped from either the Twitter Stream Grab or the Wayback Machine.
IntelTechniques Twitter Tool
Perform manual queries to twitter and other resources mentioned in this section manually.
Code in Twitter.html.
Official Facebook Options
Once a user's profile is located:
Contact Info:
Family Members:
Profile Photos:
Photo Albums:
Recent Check-Ins:
TV Shows:
Apps & Games:
Reviews Given:
Reviews Written:
Places Reviews:
Considering an interest in the term "OSINI":
Profile Details and Queries
- Location of UserID, eventID, groupID and pageID
To conduct detailed searches, you must know the user number of your target. This number is a unique identifier that will allow us to search otherwise hidden information from Facebook.
Right-click on a Facebook profile page (not an image) and select
"View Page Source. Be sure not to hover on any hyperlinks during the right-click.
Conduct a search on this. page for "userlD".
When necessary, copy all of the source code and paste it into a text editor, then search through it.
While you may find an online option which still functions, we should not rely on these.
A site which currently attempts to automatically replicate this process:
For Business pages, we must seatch within the source code for "pagelD".
Event profile numbers can be found by searching "eventID"
Group profile numbers can be found by searching "groupID".
- Base64 Queries
To query through URL we need to follow a base64 encoded structure.
This is followed by the structure of the following.
{"rp_author":"{\"name\":\"author \”,\"args\”:\ "[USERID]\"}”}
This must be presented in Base64 format:
IntelTechniques Facebook Tool
This tool automatically performs the base64 queries among other options.
Code in Facebook.html (IntelTechniques Custom Tools Collection)
Facebook Phone Number Search
The following URI requests Facebook to locate an account for a password reset. Entering a telephone number will confirm if an account is associated to it, and will sometimes display the profile image for the user.
However, clicking "Try Another Way within this technique should present even more details.
Friends Extraction
If your target has a large list of friends, taking screenshots is not good enough.
To capture the hyperlinks to each account and have a data set that can be manipulated:
Hold down the space bat on the keyboard to load the entire page, highlight entire friends list and use "Ctrl" + "C", click directly above the left side of the first friend and hold until the lower right area of the last friend. The friends list should highlight. Now, open Microsoft Excel. Click on the "B" in column B to highlight the entire column. Paste the content with "Ctrl" + "V".Then use F5 to launch the "Go To' menu and select "Special". Select "Objects" and click OK. This will select all of those images. Hit the delete key to remove them. You will now see only the text data (with hyperlinks). Now click the "A" in column A and paste the friend content again with "Ctrl" + "V". Right-dick any cell in this column and choose "Clear Contents" This will remove any text, but keep the images.
Place your mouse in between columns A and B and resize column A to be a bit larger than one of the images.
Do the same with Column B to fit in all of the text. Use the "Find and Replace" feature to find every instance of "Add Friend" and replace it with nothing. This will remove those unnecessary entries. In the "Home" menu, choose "Format" and then "Auto Fit Row Height. This will eliminate unnecessary spacing. Select Column B and Left Justify the text.
Facebook Email Search
- Page Role Trick
Open "Menu" and click "Page" in the upper-right corner, then create a new page.
Assign a random name to your profile, select any category, and click "Continue"
Skip all optional steps.
Once you see the new profile, click the "Manage" button in the upper-right.
On the new menu, click "Page Access" in the left column. In the "People with Facebook access" section, click "Add new"
Enter the target email address.
This should present any Facebook profiles associated with the address entered.
To manually locate telegram domains: "osint" "osint" "osint"
- Telegram Analytics ( - telemetrio)
The most robust Telegram Channel search options currently available.
- Contact Exploitation
Consider the contact exploitation technique explained in Android Virtualization section.
- Official Search Options
Keyword Search: (
Story Search: (https:/ /
User Search: (
Snap Map: (
To perform a Google Search: "inteltechniques"
- Ghostdex (
Only usefull if you know your target's snapchat name.
- Bulk Downloader For Reddit
To install:
mkdir ~/Downloads/Programs/bdfr
cd ~/Downloads/Programs/bdfr
python3 -m venv bdfrEnvironment
source bdfrEnvironment/bin/activate
sudo pip install -U bdfr
To retrieve up to 1000 posts within a subreddit "{name you are looking for, example: osint}" and save the data:
python3 -m bdfr download ~/Documents/Reddit/osint/ --subreddit osint
To retrieve all the posts by an user within a subreddit and save the data:
python3 -m bdfr download ~/Documents/Reddit/osint/ --user inteltechniques --subreddit osint
- Reddits Finder
To install:
mkdir ~/Downloads/Programs/redditsfinder
cd ~/Downloads/Programs/redditsfinder
python3 -m venv redditsfinderEnvironment
source redditsfinderEnvironment/bin/activate
sudo pip install -U redditsfinder
To target a reddit user and get current and deleted post metadata attached to the target username:
redditsfinder inteltechniques
To request every post of an user regardless of delegation, along with any uploaded images:
redditsfinder inteltechniques -pics -d
- Downloader For Reddit
To install:
cd ~/Downloads/Programs
git clone
cd DownloaderForReddit
python3 -m venv DownloaderForRedditEnvironment
source DownloaderForRedditEnvironment/bin/activate
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
To run the GUI:
cd ~/Programs/DownloaderForReddit
- Custom Script
- Desktop Shortcut
- Investigation Subreddits
Reddit Bureau of Investigation (
Pic Requests (
What Is This Thing? (г/whatisthisthing)
Google Networks
Every Google account has been issued a specific numeric ID which associates the account with any Google service used.
First, we must find the ID itself:
Log in to any covert Google account and navigate to chat.
Right-click on the page and select "Inspect".
Click "Find a Chat" and enter your target's email address.
Strike enter but do not send any communication.
In the "SearchHTML" field, enter the email address of your target.
One of the results should contain data such as
"data-member-id="user/human/100202552162672367520”. The numbers after "human/" is the
Google User ID of your target.
You can also use the automated service at Epieos ( email php)
Following URLs would display any public photo albums and map contributions made by this target.
Tumblr "osint"
Once you find a blog associated with your target, consider the Photo Gallery Tool.
Also a lot of queries has been incorporated into the Username Tool.
Russian Social Networks
- VK (
- Odnoklassniki (
Chinese Social Networks
- Ozone (
- Renren (
URL structure displays the user profile for "inteltechniques":
If you suspect your target possesses a username which includes "osint":
To display posts which include the tag "osint":
To search posts which include "osint" within the original post:
To isolate this search to only display videos which include "osint":
Google indexes individual TikTok posts, This can be beneficial to discover deleted posts. osint
Curtent live streams can be found:
Once located a target, search the following text within the source code view of the TikTok page of @target:
"authorld" (6727327145951183878)
"uniqueld" (willsmith)
"nickname" (Will Smith)
We can now search the user number within search engines in order to identify additional posts which may no longer be present within the TikTok website. Once you identify an individual post, right-click the video and save it natively as an MP4 file.
If you prefer to obtain a full date and time of upload, right-click a post and choose to view the page source, crtl+F and search for "~tplv".
We can convert this number at
Accessing comments within a post requires you to be logged in.
Export Comments ( will extract the first 100 comments from any post. A premium account is required to download larger content.
TikTok services which provide analytics on target profiles:
Dating Apps
In order to access Tinder from vour web browser, several things must be perfectly aligned in order to prevent account blocking. Tinder gets bombarded with fraudulent accounts, and their radar for investigative use is very sensitive.
Connect to a public Wi-Fi location, without a VPN, near your target.
Click the Login button at and choose "Log In With Phone Number"
Supply a Google Voice number.
Confirm the text message received on Google Voice number.
Complete registration with alias name and photo.
Tinder has begun blocking any type of GPS spoofing, even if done manually through the browser inspector.
We should keep an old Android phone ready for any Tinder investigations we have the Tinder app installed along with the "Fake GPS Location" app.
This will not work on an iPhone due to GPS spoofing restrictions. Since Tinder actively blocks emulators, connecting through VirtualBox or Genymotion does not work.
Other popular dating websites
Match (
Plenty of Fish (
Harmony (
OK Cupid (
Christian Mingle (
Ashley Madison (
Adult Friend Finder (
Farmers Only (
Elite Singles (
Zoosk (
Friendfinder-X (
Badoo (
For finding, joining, and archiving a Discord server:
First, navigate to Disboard ( This free service indexes numerous Discord servers.
If you do not find any servers of interest on Disboard, try Discord Me (
The within the official Windows application while inside a virtual machine:
Clone your Original Windows 10 virtual machine.
Title your new VM "Discord" and conduct the following inside the Windows VM.
Download and install the Discord app from
Download the first file titled "" from the website located at
Extract the contents of the zip file to your Windows VM Desktop.
Launch DiscordChatExporter.exe from within the new folder.
Launch the Discord app, provide your account credentials, and connect to the target Discord server (example: https:/ /
Press "Ctrl" + "Shift" + "I" on the keyboard to launch the Discord developer options.
Click the arrows in the upper right and select "Application"
Double-click "Local Storage" and select ""
Press "Ctrl" + "R" on the keyboard and look for "Token" in the right menu.
Select and copy the entire token key (without the quotes).
Paste the token into the DiscordChatExporter program and click the arrow.
Select the desired target server on the left and the target channel on the right.
Choose the "CS" export format and leave the dates empty.
Choose the save location and click "Export"
Discord is not the only platform for this type of communication, but I find it to be the most popular with amateur cyber criminals. Slack ( appears very similar, but it is targeted more toward professionals.
Riot ( and Tox ( each possess encrypted communications and better overall security, but adoption is lower than Discord.
Other Online Comunities
- 4chan (
Image-board website and users generally post anonymously.
Internet subcultures and activism groups, most notably Anonymous.
- Hacker News (
Text Search:
Username Search:
User Posts:
User Comments:
User Favorites:
Google Search:
- Nextdoor (
Allows for people within a specific neighborhood or geographical area to communicate privately within a controlled space.
In order to join a specific neighborhood, one must either receive an invite from another neighbor or request a physical invite be sent via postal mail to an address within range.
Clicking the "Explore Neighborhoods" button should present surrounding areas which you can join. You can usually see the majority of your county by joining all available groups.
- Meetup (
Name Search (John Morrison): inutl:member john morrison
Event Search (Protest): inurl:events Protest
Post Search (Protest): inurl:discussions Protest
Google Keyword Search (OSINT): OSINT
- Board Reader (
Board Reader queries many forum communities, message boards, discussion threads, and other general interest groups which post messages back and forth. It also offers an advanced search which allows you to choose keywords, language, date range, and specific domain. If you have trouble filtering results on other forum search sites, this can be useful.
- Craigslist Forums (
- BugMeNot (
BugMeNot allows users to share their logins for various websites with the world.
- IntelTechniques Communities Tool
The previous and a lot more communities can be automatically queried through this tool.
Code in Communities.html.
Last updated